All online booking platforms have done little to improve hosts’ most frustrating real-life experiences. Multiday adventures, plans to win over ...
Animals need your protection. Across the world, animals suffer unthinkable cruelty – but you can help protect them from harm. Some animals are very young when they learn just how cruel people can be. Baby bears are being taken from the wild, in some cases forced to watch their mother killed in front of them, to face a lifetime of torture, all in the name of ‘entertainment’. Young elephants are easier to “train” – so the torture begins when they’re small. Beatings, starvation and sleep deprivation make sure their wild spirits are utterly broken, just so tourists can ride their backs on holiday. Captive dolphins are separated from their mothers far too young, confined in tanks 200,000 times smaller than their natural home and deprived of food so they can be trained to entertain tourists. But with your help, there’s hope. is the largest online travel accommodation booking platform incorporating 80 types of places to stay. These are noticeably Hotels and AirB&Bs under one brand name. This is a ...
We provide you with the freedom to choose from a vast number ...
We decided to do away with the boundaries of categories between various ...
The dream that guides The Golden Moon is to bring a universe ...
The freedom and opportunities occurring from a newly developed market: How? We ...
If you are reading this, there is a good chance these statements are familiar: “There are a lot of hotels that aren’t right for Airbnb, and probably never will be.” “Focusing on just boutique and bed and breakfasts ensures that the company [Airbnb] stays true to its vision”. On the other hand: “Boutique hotels beware: the hotel industry gets a new frenemy [meaning Airbnb]”. “The hotel industry takes Airbnb as a threat and is prepared to take action against it”. Fairly bold statements, making it clear that for some reason, there is a massive effort to keep hotels and local hosts disconnected.
Commercial wars are designed to protect a business’ market share and prevent competitors from acquiring some of it. They protect interests, create boundaries, and aim to bring more control and power over a market share. This is what they are designed to do. It’s nothing personal, but why should a business’ or market’s wars, vision or ambitions prevent your business from developing?
Regardless of what epithets are used to describe Airbnb, it is a great business that provides many an opportunity to travel more, a chance for others to become entrepreneurs, own a little business, and one which has brought a sense of adventure and hope for a future. In a sense, it has
brought more justice into society by spreading profits between the rich and not so rich more equally. Apparently, not everybody likes this. Nevertheless, the travel industry must now deal with the reality that Airbnb is here to stay. So, it is time to adapt to the new reality.
Do not let your business become a hostage to someone’s war or vision. It is undeniable that local hosts benefit from a wider audience of hotels guests when provided with the opportunity. Hotels will also benefit in that they can reach a previously unreachable market of local hosts’ guests by advertising along with their listing. In fact, some already do so. Now, with, both markets can do so openly without accusing each other of
“overstretching their roots”, being “misguiding” or hurting feelings. TheGM permits hotels, local hosts and all other property owners showcase on one platform. That’s the beauty of it.
There are 80 categories of properties in the list making TheGM the largest provider of accommodation categories under one brand name. “In fact, we include them all. By creating the best possible environment for hosts to flourish we allow them to concentrate on serving the end consumer to the best of their ability. Come, bring your best offer, and let the guests decide what they want to book”…
The Golden Moon is passionate about bringing choice – not just to guests wishing to fulfil their dreams, but to hotels looking for more fair means to get in front of customers. The launch of THEGOLDENMOON.COM brings to an end the era of a single style of bookings; an end of unfair practices where online platforms can demand unsustainable commissions; an end to decision making benefitting the service provider or the largest source of revenue. The Golden Moon works hard on your behalf make your prospects...
Travel is changing. You desire more from your time and money; with so many accommodation types available, where do you go to build your own holiday dreams? The Golden Moon seeks to be the golden destination for your… well, destination. Our aim is to provide you with a universe of choice, removing boundaries and […]
The ability to get a second chance at bookings is crucial after the first wave of euphoria about the availability of cheap rooms from local hosts has passed. Potential guests have had the opportunity to book and compare their experience with the more traditional hotel offering. The outcome might surprise you – there are plenty of guests out there that are ready to pay more for stability, predictability, and service rather than risk a ruined holiday. The size of that second wave might be as large as 20-30% of all guests that had previously booked with local hosts. More…
So, how the ideal world of an average short-term rental might look like? Is it like when you have not to pay a service fee? Or having no excessive competition? Or is it more like having all your calendar booked? Being treated with respect by a booking platform? Polite guests? No safety issues? A little entertaining program for your guests at the end to keep them happier? It would be reasonable to assume that all the factors do contribute into making your business a pleasant and desirable job to do. Comment…
“Do guests leave your listing and immediately recommence the same search on another platform, for example to compare prices? Is there any additional work involved? If so, there is definitely a platform that reconnects all categories, best prices, and choice. If your listing is not on there- you will be in trouble”. More…
“…advertising hotel rooms alongside the rooms of your closest competitors [local hosts] creates a massive opportunity for a hotel to reach a new market segment which prior to that was hopelessly lost. This is a second chance that hotels cannot afford to miss. Adapt. Put aside plans to advertise by brand. Advertise in the same way as local hosts do: by room, by unit, by anything you like. Make sure your hotel is ready for that second wave and that your ads appear in the right place at the right time…”. Dig deeper…
“…Bearing in mind that existing platforms charge hosts a 15% service fee (with a few exceptions) this is where the opportunities start to get very interesting. Apart from the obvious increased profit margins, it lets your listing price be more flexible compared to those of your competitors. Now you can match the booking demand by reducing the price without losing profit. In other words, you can reduce your price in moments when needing to attract bookings…” Find out more…
Staying relevant in the travel industry means using the OODA loop. This is Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. If you operate the OODA loop fast enough, you will find it easier to remain relevant in the industry and retain your strong position. Slow down, and trouble may be coming your way. Find out more…
Introducing competition between booking platforms and not between the hosts: that is the key notion creating choice and opportunities for rental property owners. Being able to choose between platforms and choosing those with the best conditions created for hosts, forces the booking platforms to compete for you instead of vice versa. This new sort of competition will ensure that owners’ needs are met, and your voice is heard. This in TheGM is what we consider the unique selling point we offer your business. Read more…
The number of local hosts has almost tripled in recent years. The number of guests did not grow on the same scale and was considerably reduced by recent aggressive price policies of hotels. This left the overpopulated AirB&B platforms with no choice but to create an algorithm which spreads demand equally among suppliers. This means that your listings have limited exposure to certain groups of guests at certain times, as ordered by the algorithm which tries to spread the exposure of your listing equally among you and other competing hosts. An inevitable… Read more