We are currently searching for individuals in 152 countries to work with TheGM to create a database of the local hosts in each of the countries. You have to be over 18, have a higher education, ...
We provide you with the freedom to choose from a vast number of opportunities within a large and emerging industry. How? We do this by eradicating existing accommodation categories. Forget the varying degree of ...
Thegoldenmoon.com is the largest online travel accommodation booking platform incorporating 80 types of places to stay. These are noticeably Hotels and AirB&Bs under one brand name. This is a brand-new concept aimed at blurring ...
The full extent of benefits is delivered when the price is used in connection with other benefits such as highest security, moderate level of competition, benefits of newly developing market and others. That’s what we call the Smart Choice Program, creating a thin balance between...
The Golden Moon is passionate about bringing choice – not just to guests wishing to fulfil their dreams, but to hotels looking for more fair means to get in front of customers. The launch of ...
Professional manner of TheGM’s hosts is their distinctive features. Knowing how to reach satisfaction levels is the distinctive feature of TheGM’s hosts. The understanding requires further clarification: any business relationship typically involves the relationship between ...
Travel is changing. You desire more from your time and money; with so many accommodation types available, where do you go to build your own holiday dreams? The Golden Moon seeks to be the ...